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Category: Physical Therapy

Jul20th 2023

Say No To Drugs For Chronic Pain, and Yes To Physical Therapy!

Pain can be a beneficial messenger, alerting you to the fact that something in your body needs to be fixed, but it can also be a vexing inconvenience that degrades your quality of life. To make matters worse, many pain issues are the result of long-standing underlying diseases that often originate in a different portion

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Jul10th 2023

Is Poor Posture the Cause of Your Back Pain?

Is back pain holding you back? Are you suddenly unable to perform tasks that you could once complete without a second thought? If so, you aren’t alone. Back pain is the most commonly reported area of pain, which can cause significant limits to one’s daily life. Poor posture can cause back pain to develop. If

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Jun20th 2023

Suffering from Sciatica Pains? Find Relief Today

Lumbar radiculopathy, commonly referred to as sciatica, is a common condition that many people experience. It occurs as a result of irritation to the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve of the body. It stretches from the lumbar spine through the buttocks, and pain from irritation is typically felt in the lower back. However,

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